
Showing posts with the label ES CAMPUR KOMBINASI


Ice Mixed Combination Ingredients: 250 gr. Fruit cocktail ready to buy 1 young coconut, dredging, take the water 50 gr. Kolang kaling ready to buy 100 gr. Nata de coco red Complements: sweet condensed milk syrup coco pandan adequate / rozen adequate Hail stones adequate Method: Prepare the glass. Place all ingredients. Give sweetened condensed milk, syrup and ice. Serve immediately. ES CAMPUR KOMBINASI BAHAN: 250 gr. Buah koktil siap beli 1 buah kelapa muda, keruk, ambil airnya 50 gr. Kolang kaling siap beli 100 gr. Nata de coco merah PELENGKAP: Susu kental manis secukupnya Sirup cocopandan/rozen secukupnya Es batu secukupnya CARA MEMBUAT: Siapkan gelas. Taruh semua bahan. Beri susu kental manis, sirup dan es batu. Siap dihidangkan