Bluder Prune
Bluder Prune Ingredients: 200 grams of cassava tape, waste fiber, mashed 200 grams of Margarine 200 grams sugar 8 yellow 4 egg white 200 gram wheat flour 75 grams of maize 100 cc liquid susu ½ tsp instant yeast 75 grams prune, washing with hot water. 50 grams sukade, washing with hot water. How to create: • Prepare the brass half circle the size of 22 centimeters, give butter and wheat flour. • shake butter and sugar until soft. Enter the eggs one at a time ago shake again until soft. • Enter the wheat flour and maize, the average poke. Add the liquid milk, instant yeast and tape cassava. wait some time more than 45 minutes. • Enter in brass, add prune and sukade. Roast until cooked. Lift, cut into pieces according to taste cake. Serve with tea / coffee warm. Bluder Prune Bahan: 200 gram tape singkong, buang seratnya, haluskan 200 gram margarine 200 gram gula pasir 8 kuning telur 4 putih telur 200 gram tepung terigu 75 gram tepung maizena 100 cc susu cair ½ s...