
Showing posts with the label ES KELAPA MUDA GULA MERAH


YOUNG COCONUT ICE, BROWN SUGAR Ingredients: 1 young coconut fruit, meat sauce dredging Sugar : 150 gr. Brown Sugar 100 gr. Sugar 3 pieces lime leaves 1 pandan leaf, so one boiled, filtered Complements: Ice rocks adequate 300 cc coconut milk from mature coconuts ½ Method: Prepare the glass. Place brown sugar sauce, coconut milk, and young coconut Give ice. Serve immediately. ES KELAPA MUDA GULA MERAH BAHAN: 1 buah kelapa muda, Keruk dagingnya SAUS GULA: 150 gr. Gula merah 100 gr. Gula pasir 3 lembar daun jeruk purut 1 lembar daun pandan, rebus jadi satu, saring PELENGKAP: Es batu secukupnya 300 cc santan matang dari ½ butir kelapa CARA MEMBUAT: Siapkan gelas. Taruh saus gula merah, santan, dan kelapa muda Beri es batu. Hidangkan