
Ngohiang | Masakan China

--> Ngohiang Bahan: 1 buah fillet dada ayam 250 gram udang kupas 50 gram wortel, iris halus 2 butir telur 1 lembar kulit tahu 200 ml minyak goreng Bumbu: 1 sendok teh garam 2 sendok teh gula pasir 1 sendok teh merica bubuk 1 sendok makan tepung 1 sendok teh adas manis bubuk 2 cm kayu manis bubuk 1 sendok makan minyak wijen Cara membuat: ·          Rendam sebentar kulit tahu dalam air dingin, tiriskan. ·          Potong kulit tahu menjadi 16 bagian, sisihkan ·          Cincang kasar fillet dada ayam dan udang, sisihkan ·          Campur cincangan udang, irisan wortel, telur dan bumbu, aduk rata. ·          Ambil 1 bagian kulit tahu, taruh campuran adonan udang. Gulung dan lapisi dengan aluminium foil sambil dipadatkan. ·          Kukus adonan hingga matang, angkat. Tiriskan. ·          Panaskan minyak, goreng ngohiang hingga kuning kecoklatan, angkat, tiriskan. ·          Potong-potong

Pokcoy Scallop Szechuan

--> Pokcoy Scallop Szechuan     Bahan : 100 gr. Pokcoy,  potong-potong 2 lembar kembang tahu, rendam potong-potong 150 gr. Udang kupas 100 gr. Scallop 1 buah wortel, iris serong ½ buah bawang bombai, iris tipis 1 buah paprika merah, potong kotak 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus 2 sendok makan kecap asin 1 sendok teh jahe cincang 1 sendok teh merica hitam bubuk 1 sendok teh minyak wijen 1 sendok teh ang ciu, bila suka ¼ sendok teh garam, 2 sendok makan saus tiram 2 sendok makan minyak, untuk menumis 150 ml kaldu Cara membuat : ·          Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombai, jahe dan bawang putih hingga harum ·          Masukkan Scallop dan udang sambil di aduk hingga berubah warna ·          Beri bumbu saus tiram, merica hitam, garam ang ciu dan kecap asin. Aduk rata. ·          Tambahkan wortel, pokcoy, kembang tahu dan minyak wijen. Aduk ·          Tuang kaldu, masak hingga b


ES KELAPA MUDA BAHAN: 400 gr daging kelapa muda, keruk dengan sendok 1/2 sdm biji selasih 600 ml air kelapa muda 400 ml air matang dingin es batu secukupnya Sirup Gula: 150 gr gula pasir 50 gr gula merha 250 ml air 1 lembar daun pandan CARA MEMBUAT: ** Rendam biji selasih dengan air dingin matang hingga menggembang. Tiriskan, sisihkan. Ditempat terpisa, campur air dengan air kelapa, dinginkan dalam kulkas. * * Sirup Gula: Campur gula pasir, gula merah dan daun pandan dengan air. Masak hingga mendidih dan kental. Angkat, saring, dinginkan. ** Penyelesaian: Siapkan gelas saji, tuang sirup gula, kelapa muda, biji selasih dan tuang campuran air kelapa dan air matang. Sesaat sebelum di sajikan tambahkan potongan es batu di atasnya. Hidangkan segera.

Sambal Goreng Daging

Fried Meat Condiment Ingredients: • 500 grams of beef, boiled, sliced • 3 pieces red chilli, sliced thinly • 2 pieces of bay • 10 cm leaf Serai • 250 millimeter liter milk • 2 tablespoon vegetable oil, for menumis Mashed spices: • 4 cloves garlic • 5 grains candlenut • 4 red chili fruit • lengkuas 1 centimeters • ginger 1 centimeters Method: • Tumis ingredients until fragrant, enter the meat, slices of red chili and coconut milk. Poke to coagulate. • Lift, served Sambal Goreng Daging Bahan: 500 gram daging sapi, rebus, iris 3 buah cabai merah, iris tipis 2 lembar daun salam 10 cm daun serai, memarkan 250 mili liter santan 2 sendok makan minyak sayur, untuk menumis Bumbu Dihaluskan: 4 siung bawang putih 5 butir kemiri 4 buah cabai merah 1 centimeter lengkuas 1 centimeter jahe Cara Membuat: Tumis bumbu hingga harum, masukkan daging, cabai merah iris dan santan. Aduk

Cup Cake Raisin

Cup Cake Raisin Ingredients: 250 grams of Margarine 200 grams sugar 5 eggs 175 gram wheat flour 50 grams of maize 50 grams of raisins, small slices. Strawberi for decoration. How to Make: • shake Margarine and sugar until soft. • Enter the eggs one by one while still in the shake • Add wheat flour and maizena while in the sieve. Confused with the spatula, enter raisins, poke back • Prepare the mold that has been given a paper cup base. Enter the dough into it. Roast in oven with a temperature of 175 o C for 35 minutes until cooked. Lift, with a decorative strawberi, serve. Cup Cake Raisin Bahan: 250 gram margarine 200 gram gula pasir 5 butir telur 175 gram tepung terigu 50 gram tepung maizena 50 gram kismis, iris kecil-kecil. Strawberi untuk hiasan. Cara Membuat: Kocok margarine dan gula pasir hingga lembut. Masukkan telur satu per Satu sambil terus di kocok Tambahkan tepung terigu dan maizena sambil diayak. Aduk dengan spatula, masukkan

Chocolate Bar Cake

Chocolate Bar Cake Ingredients: 800 grams sugar M80 milliliter of water 200 grams cooking chocolate, cut small dice 70 grams cocoa powder 6 tablespoon corn syrup 300 ml condensed milk sweet 4 spoon the vanilla essens 300 grams of fresh butter 250 grams of almond nuts, fry without oil and finely chopped How to create: • Prepare the plate heat-resistant, plastic pad give. • Mix sugar, water and cocoa powder, poke average. Cooking on a small fire while stirred until sugar dissolves. • corn syrup, cooking chocolate, sweet condensed milk and vanilla, even confused. Measure up to summer temperatures reach 24o C, lift. • Enter the butter, poke the dough flat until soft. cooled. • Enter the Almond chopped nuts, poke, enter in the refractory plate. Justify. • Store in refrigerator until chocolate hard, then remove it, cut the size of the box 2x2x1 centimeters. Or appropriate taste. Serve. Chocolate Bar Cake Bahan: 800 gram gula pasir M80 mili li

Bluder Prune

Bluder Prune Ingredients: 200 grams of cassava tape, waste fiber, mashed 200 grams of Margarine 200 grams sugar 8 yellow 4 egg white 200 gram wheat flour 75 grams of maize 100 cc liquid susu ½ tsp instant yeast 75 grams prune, washing with hot water. 50 grams sukade, washing with hot water. How to create: • Prepare the brass half circle the size of 22 centimeters, give butter and wheat flour. • shake butter and sugar until soft. Enter the eggs one at a time ago shake again until soft. • Enter the wheat flour and maize, the average poke. Add the liquid milk, instant yeast and tape cassava. wait some time more than 45 minutes. • Enter in brass, add prune and sukade. Roast until cooked. Lift, cut into pieces according to taste cake. Serve with tea / coffee warm. Bluder Prune Bahan: 200 gram tape singkong, buang seratnya, haluskan 200 gram margarine 200 gram gula pasir 8 kuning telur 4 putih telur 200 gram tepung terigu 75 gram tepung maizena 100 cc susu cair ½ s


Ice Bird Nest Ingredients: 1 so that the white deck with 400 cc boiling water until cooked 50 gr. Sugar Dyes green, red adequate 100 gr. Pomegranate seeds are ready to buy 100 gr. Nata de coco 600 cc coconut milk from coconuts ½ Ice rocks adequate syrup cocopandan adequate Method: Agar cooked divided after 2 sections. Each gave green and red. Freeze. Grate. Prepare a bowl / cups. Cast syrup, coconut milk, gelatin scars. Pomegranate seeds, nata de coco, ice. Serve immediately. -------------------------------------------------------- ES SARANG BURUNG BAHAN: 1 bungkus agar agar putih dengan 400 cc air dimasak sampai mendidih 50 gr. Gula pasir Pewarna hijau, merah secukupnya 100 gr. Biji delima siap beli 100 gr. Nata de coco 600 cc santan dari ½ butir kelapa Es batu secukupnya Sirup cocopandan secukupnya CARA MEMBUAT: Agar-agar setelah dimasak dibagi 2 bagian. Masing-masin


GREEN BEAN ICE Ingredients: 100 gr. Green beans, soaked 1 night and then boiled with 4 pieces lime leaves until soft. 2 pieces pandan leaves 500 cc water coconut Milk Sauce: 200 gr. Sugar with 5 pieces lime leaves cooked until boiling 500 cc coconut milk from coconuts ½ Hail stones adequate Method: Prepare the glass. Toss green beans and coconut milk sauce. Poke average. Give ice. Serve immediately. ------------------------------------------------------ ES KACANG HIJAU BAHAN: 100 gr. Kacang hijau, rendam 1 malam kemudian rebus dengan 4 lembar daun jeruk purut sampai empuk. 2 lembar daun pandan 500 cc air SAUS SANTAN: 200 gr. Gula pasir dengan 5 lembar daun jeruk purut dimasak sampai mendidih 500 cc santan dari ½ butir kelapa Es batu secukupnya CARA MEMBUAT: Siapkan gelas. Campur kacang hijau dan saus santan. Aduk rata. Beri es batu. Siap dihidangkan.


Ice Mixed Combination Ingredients: 250 gr. Fruit cocktail ready to buy 1 young coconut, dredging, take the water 50 gr. Kolang kaling ready to buy 100 gr. Nata de coco red Complements: sweet condensed milk syrup coco pandan adequate / rozen adequate Hail stones adequate Method: Prepare the glass. Place all ingredients. Give sweetened condensed milk, syrup and ice. Serve immediately. ES CAMPUR KOMBINASI BAHAN: 250 gr. Buah koktil siap beli 1 buah kelapa muda, keruk, ambil airnya 50 gr. Kolang kaling siap beli 100 gr. Nata de coco merah PELENGKAP: Susu kental manis secukupnya Sirup cocopandan/rozen secukupnya Es batu secukupnya CARA MEMBUAT: Siapkan gelas. Taruh semua bahan. Beri susu kental manis, sirup dan es batu. Siap dihidangkan


Ingredients: 150 gr. Seaweed is ready for use 1 canned fruit leci 5 cherry fruit red / green, cut into 2 sections leci syrup / syrup rozen adequate Hail stones adequate Method: Prepare the glass. Cast leci fruit syrup, seaweed, cherry fruit, ice. Serve immediately. ES LECI RUMPUT LAUT BAHAN: 150 gr. Rumput laut siap pakai 1 kaleng buah leci 5 buah ceri merah/hijau, potong 2 bagian Sirup leci/sirup rozen secukupnya Es batu secukupnya CARA MEMBUAT: Siapkan gelas. Tuang sirup buah leci, rumput laut, buah ceri, es batu. Hidangkan.


Ingredients: * 250 gr. Fragrant sweet mango * 100 cc thick orange syrup * 100 cc vanilla syrup * 5 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk * 250 cc water * 1 fruit, take the contents Whipped Cream adequate * Ice rocks adequate Method: * Blender mango, orange syrup , Vanilla syrup, sweetened condensed milk. Add the water well. * Cast into the glass fruit. Give it passion fruit. Add whipped cream and ice. Serve immediately. JUS MANGGA MARKISA BAHAN: 250 gr. Mangga harum manis 100 cc sirup jeruk kental 100 cc sirup vanili 5 sendok makan susu kental manis 250 cc air matang 1 buah markisa, ambil isinya Whipped cream secukupnya Es batu secukupnya CARA MEMBUAT: Blender mangga, sirup jeruk, sirup vanili, susu kental manis. Tambahkan air matang. Tuang ke dalam gelas buah. Beri markisa. Tambahkan whipped cream dan es batu. Hidangkan.


YOUNG COCONUT ICE, BROWN SUGAR Ingredients: 1 young coconut fruit, meat sauce dredging Sugar : 150 gr. Brown Sugar 100 gr. Sugar 3 pieces lime leaves 1 pandan leaf, so one boiled, filtered Complements: Ice rocks adequate 300 cc coconut milk from mature coconuts ½ Method: Prepare the glass. Place brown sugar sauce, coconut milk, and young coconut Give ice. Serve immediately. ES KELAPA MUDA GULA MERAH BAHAN: 1 buah kelapa muda, Keruk dagingnya SAUS GULA: 150 gr. Gula merah 100 gr. Gula pasir 3 lembar daun jeruk purut 1 lembar daun pandan, rebus jadi satu, saring PELENGKAP: Es batu secukupnya 300 cc santan matang dari ½ butir kelapa CARA MEMBUAT: Siapkan gelas. Taruh saus gula merah, santan, dan kelapa muda Beri es batu. Hidangkan


Peats Rockhampton Spicy ( Indonesian Food, Special Jakarta ) Ingredients: 500 grams of fish cork ½ teaspoon lemon juice 3 cloves garlic ½ tsp coriander 1 teaspoon salt Oil to fry Gravy : 800 ml of water 2 stem Serai, finely sliced 2 pieces of leaves 2 cm alpina galanga , strike 4 pieces orange leaves, shred 1 tablespoon salt ½ tea spoon sugar 4 tablespoons of oil need to 2 tomato leaf and stem 2 onion, roughly sliced 1 tablespoon fried onion 12 pieces of red cayenne pepper Spices fine: 10 pcs onion 5 cloves garlic 4 eggs candle, sangrai 60 grams kluwak, soaked warm water 1 cm turmeric roasted 6 units of red chilli curls 5 fruit cayenne Method: Puree to flavor fish, garlic, coriander and salt. Then smear on fish cork with spices that are mashed. Leave for 10 minutes so that the flavor permeate.


KETOPRAK KLUWEK (MAKANAN INDONESIA KHAS PURWAKARTA) Bahan : 3 Buah tahu, goreng, potong dadu 100 gr. Bihun, seduh 300 tauge kecil 3 buah lontong siap pakai, potongpotong SAUS: 3 siung bawang putih 2 buah kluwek (pucung) 50 gr. Sambel pecel siap pakai 1 sendok teh gula 1 sendok teh garam 100 cc air PELENGKAP: Kerupuk dan Empal CARA MEMBUAT: • SAUS: campur bawang putih, kluwek, sambal pecel, gula pasir, garam dan tuang air. Aduk jadi satu dalam panci, masak hingga mendidih. • PENYELESAIAN: taruh potongan tahu, tauge, bihun dan lontong yang telah dipotongpotong di atas piring saji. • Siram dengan kuah, beri taburan bawang goreng, kerupuk dan empal. • Sajikan segera.